How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog (Easy and Free Steps)

Are you ready to kickstart your blogging journey but are stuck on choosing a niche? It’s easy to stop at this point and give up. I’ll walk you through some easy and free strategies so you can learn how to choose a niche for your blog and transform your passion into a profitable endeavor.

1. Free Niche Research Tools and Ideas

  • Answer Socrates is a free tool to find niches and keywords with unlimited searches.
  • Check out the questions, answers, and popularity of topics on Quora.
  • Also, check out the leading creators of your potential niche on YouTube. What are their most watched videos?

2. What are You Interested In?

To start your research forget trends, forget money (for now). This is all about you. What makes your brain buzz? What topics do you lose track of time geeking out over?

Is it the intricate world of sourdough starters, the thrill of DIY home improvement, or the fascinating lives of backyard birds?

Dig deep into your passions, because your genuine enthusiasm fuels your writing and captivates your readers.

Your Audience is Also Important

Understanding your audience’s wants, needs, and pain points guides you to a niche where your content becomes the beacon they’ve been searching for.

So ask yourself:

  • who’s your audience?
  • what are their problems?
  • what products and services will help them?

Your passion + your audience + their problems + helpful products/services = your niche

3. How Do I Find My Sub-Niche?

Niches are very competitive so it’s time to think of a Sub-Niche that is more targeted and not too broad.

What’s a Sub-Niche?

Sure, the niche “cooking” is a passion, but it’s a mountain and you need your base camp. That’s the sub-niche where you find your target audience and help them.

Are you the vegan baking queen? The master of one-pot wonders? The healthy dessert recipe maestro?

Narrowing your focus makes you an expert in a smaller pond, attracting a dedicated audience hungry for your specific knowledge.

But don’t pick a topic that is extremely narrow and only applies to a few people.

Here’s an example: Let’s say you want to start a travel blog. You could choose the specific niche of “travel in Fiji” or the broader topic of “backpacking around the world”.

If you decide to go with the more specific niche, it’s important to understand that this niche is very specific – there may only be a few people interested in this topic.

So, start small but give yourself room to grow!

Let’s see more easy strategies for you to find sub-niches…

ehow helps you find a niche

4. Check out and Dive Deeper into Subcategories

The website, features a vast library of articles and topics, from everyday household chores to niche hobbies to delicious recipes.

This treasure trove of “how-to” articles can be a goldmine for niche inspiration. Browse topics related to your interests and see what subcategories pique your curiosity.

You might stumble upon an unexpected sub-niche like “Fall Drinks”, “Digital Illustration Apps” or “Grill Gazebos”.

This gives you valuable insights into specific audience needs and interests and helps you identify potential blog niches with focused appeal.

ehow copycat recipes


Think of Google Trends as your crystal ball for audience interest. See what’s trending within your potential niches, which specific sub-topics are gaining traction, and even compare trends across different regions and countries.

Knowledge is power, and knowing what people are searching for empowers you to create content they crave.

For Example, Mountain Biking Interest by Subregion

A breakout topic in this search is ”what to wear mountain biking”. A great idea for a niche!

Google Trends - Mountain Biking

6. Use Amazon to Gauge a Niche’s Potential

Researching products on Amazon is a real eye-opener to find profitable niches.

If you see a wide variety of products available in a niche, this indicates a healthy level of competition and shows an established market for these products.

Amazon also runs an affiliate program so you can sign up for this once you have your blog up and running.

a. What Can You Learn from Amazon Reviews?

The product reviews reveal the level of demand for a product, with popular items like the Ring Video Doorbell with over 185,000 reviews. This suggests a strong customer base interested in these niche security products.

Ring Video Doorbell on Amazon

b. What Can You Learn from Price Points?

You can also get a sense of the typical price range for products in this niche, with this home security system ranging from $99.99 – 399.99. 

This helps you understand the potential profits if you enter this market. But you also need to know what prices your audience is comfortable paying, luxury? mid-range? budget?

Higher-priced products naturally come with higher affiliate commissions. A single sale could earn you significantly more than promoting multiple lower-priced items. So in this case you’ll promote quality not quantity to your audience.

Remember that sub-niche about vegan baking? Amazon can be your virtual bakery window, revealing the hottest trends and must-have products in your specific area.

Amazon Best Seller - how to choose a niche

d. Check out these Amazon Searches

  • popular products
  • movers and shakers
  • most wished for

See what people are buying, what problems they’re trying to solve, and voila! You’ve got content ideas galore.

Most Wished for in Amazon - How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog

e. Go beyond the Products

Amazon isn’t just about physical products. Look for related content, like ebooks, courses, or even service providers in your niche. This further validates the niche’s depth and potential.

f. Use Amazon Seller Tools

Jungle Scout offers tools that find and track winning products, discover high-value keywords, and advertising tools.

So with Jungle Scout, you can search deeper into Amazon for product demand, price strategies, and even competitor analysis.

By researching the above points, you can easily see how Amazon can show you the viability of a niche market.

7. Ask AI for a List of Sub-Niches!

AI is pretty handy for brainstorming. Here’s a simple prompt: “please give me [number] niches for an affiliate marketing blog about [topic] that is low-competition and profitable for [year].

Fitness Sub-Niche Examples

Technology-Based Fitness: Utilize fitness trackers, virtual reality experiences, and gamified workouts to make exercise engaging and interactive.

Holistic Fitness: Combine physical exercise with mindfulness practices, meditation, and healthy eating habits to promote overall well-being.

Fitness for Seniors: Help older adults stay active and healthy with gentle exercises, balance training, and tips for overcoming age-related limitations.

Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness: Guide expecting and new mothers through safe and effective exercise routines tailored to their changing bodies and needs.

8. What’s the Most Important Part of Picking a Blogging Niche?

When you consider how to choose a niche for your blog, my number one recommendation is that your niche should ignite your excitement. Because consistent content creation takes dedication. 

But before you dive in, make sure your passion aligns with existing affiliate programs. Partnering with relevant brands unlocks your earning potential. It also enriches your content and helps your audience.

How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog – Find Affiliate Programs

To search for affiliate programs you can do a Google search with the topic + affiliate program. You’ll find a mix of handy blogs with lists, affiliate networks, and independent affiliate programs.

For example here are some results for permaculture gardening

permaculture gardening + affiliate program

Permaculture Gardening Affiliate Program Search - How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog

20 Niche Ideas that are Low-Competition and Profitable

I hope the following 20 low-competition, high-profit niche ideas spark your imagination and inspire you to build a thriving online venture!

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Living

1. Sustainable gardening: Teach people how to grow their own food and create beautiful gardens using eco-friendly practices. Promote organic gardening tools, seeds, and composting supplies.

2. Plant-based cooking for beginners: Share easy and delicious plant-based recipes that are perfect for anyone looking to reduce their meat consumption. Partner with plant-based food brands and meal kit services.

3. Zero-waste living tips: Help people reduce their waste and live a more sustainable lifestyle. Promote reusable products, recycled goods, and eco-friendly cleaning supplies.

Personal Well-being

4. Mental health and wellness for creatives: Provide tips and resources for creatives to manage stress, overcome burnout, and boost their mental well-being. Promote apps, online courses, and self-care products.

5. Building a side hustle as a freelancer: Guide aspiring freelancers on how to find clients, land gigs, and build a successful freelance business. Promote freelance platforms, project management tools, and online courses.

6. Personal finance for young adults: Teach young adults how to budget, save money, and invest for their future. Promote financial planning apps, investment platforms, and educational resources.

HostelWorld - travel affiliate programs

Travel and Adventure

7. Travel hacking and budget travel tips: Share strategies for finding cheap flights, accommodation, and activities. Promote travel booking platforms, credit cards with travel rewards, and budget airlines.

8. Travel for Older People: show your audience the adventure of travel – and age is just a number when the world’s your playground. Promote accommodation and tours.

Education and Skills Development

9. Coding for kids and beginners: Make learning to code fun and accessible for children and adults. Promote online coding courses, coding games, and educational toys.

10. DIY home improvement projects: Provide easy-to-follow instructions for DIY home improvement projects that anyone can tackle. Promote tools, materials, and online tutorials.

11. Upcycling and repurposing furniture: Show people how to give old furniture new life with creative upcycling projects. Promote paint, hardware, and craft supplies.

Beauty and Self-care

12. Natural beauty and skincare recipes: Share DIY recipes for natural beauty products like face masks, scrubs, and hair care treatments. Promote essential oils, carrier oils, and natural ingredients.

13. Minimalist living and decluttering tips: Help people declutter their homes and live a more intentional lifestyle. Promote storage solutions, organization tools, and minimalist home decor.

Business and Entrepreneurship

14. Building a successful Etsy shop: Guide aspiring Etsy sellers on how to open a shop, create products, and market their business. Promote Etsy marketing tools, packaging supplies, and product photography services.

Language Learning and Communication

15. Learning a new language for travel: Make language learning fun and practical for travelers. Promote language learning apps, audio courses, and travel phrasebooks.

Finance Niche Ideas - How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog

Investing and Personal Finance

16. Investing in cryptocurrency for beginners: Demystify the world of cryptocurrency and provide basic investment strategies. Promote cryptocurrency exchanges, educational resources, and secure wallets.

Content Creation and Online Marketing

17. Starting a podcast or YouTube channel: Offer tips and resources for aspiring podcasters and YouTubers to launch and grow their channels. Promote podcast hosting platforms, video editing software, and marketing tools.

Boardgames Blogging Niche - How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog

Hobbies and Niche Interests

18. Homebrewing and craft beer making: Guide beer enthusiasts through the homebrewing process and share recipes for delicious craft beers. Promote brewing equipment, ingredients, and online communities.

19. Board game reviews and recommendations: Help people find the perfect board games for their next game night. Promote online game retailers, subscription boxes, and gaming accessories.

20. Creative writing tips and prompts: Inspire aspiring writers with creative writing prompts

Wrapping Up – How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog

By combining your passions with these research tips, you’ll be well on your way to discovering the perfect niche that’s just waiting to be explored in your blog. Remember, the best niches are the ones that spark joy, both for you and your readers. So go forth, explore, and let your blogging adventure begin!


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